Halloween pumpkin_copper

Decorating pumpkins is actually quite fun as there are no rules. You can decorate them with whatever you want, and it´s only your imagination who set the limits. I´m holding on to my “black and warm metal look” this Halloween; after painting them black I used two different techniques using copper paint. I made one with a copper web, and one with gradation where I sprinkled small pearls on top before the paint dried.

Are you planning on decorating any pumpkins this year? You are welcome to share photos of your Halloween decoration on Stylizimo.com if you want, so we all can get inspired!

Pumpkin decoration

Images: Nina Holst


Workspace livingroom Autumn flowersHello Monday and hello to all of you! Did you have a nice weekend?

Just popping by to wish you all a great new week! I have a busy one ahead of me, and will spend a lot of time in front of my computer, finishing the last touches before we can release the new Stylizimo.com. I showed you a few sneak peeks on Facebook of what´s coming, so if you are curious you can follow Stylizimo there.

Images: Nina Holst

Autumn ideaAs long as it´s possible I try to find flowers etc. outside so I don´t have to buy new ones all the time ( cause it´s very expensive! ). Now that it´s Autumn we have lots of lovely colorful trees, so why not take some branches into your home and put them in a big vase like I´ve done here – they are very decorative, and best of all; they are free! Tips of the day.

Wish you a wonderful weekend!

Image: Nina Holst

Feather drawing White feather drawingThose of you who follow me on Instagram, might noticed that I was drawing a feather yesterday. I have for a long time wanted a feather drawing on my wall, and since I can´t afford buying everything I want, I usually make it myself ( at least I try *smile* )

It might look more difficult than it is, but with some black cardboard and a white pencil this is actually done in a few. I was surprised myself how easy it was even though I haven´t been drawing for a long time – you should try! Maybe a weekend DIY?

Image: Nina Holst

Halloween table setting

Halloween is just around the corner and I bet many of you will invite your friends over for dinner. I prefer to keep it a bit toned down instead of using bright orange and lots of décor covered with fake blood etc. Black, gold and marble are this years theme.

Halloween idea

The only thing I actually bought were black napkins, a few candles and some small pumpkins that I painted black.

I also spray painted some dried flowers I found outside in black. To make it a bit more scary I cut out some bats ( I found them by google “bat drawing” ), that I printed out on thick paper, and placed them around the table and one at each fork.

Halloween tablesetting

I hope you got a few ideas for your Halloween table setting. Are you planning a dinner this year?

For more Halloween ideas you can see here.

Images: Nina Holst