A lot of you are asking me where my home decór and furniture are from when I show photos of my home, and that is why I want to share with you today one of the features on Stylizimo.com. Every photo I take, I also share in the community and then I tag all the items in the picture with brand or shop so it´s easy for you to copy the look. This feature is available for everyone so feel free to share your pictures and tag products in them with the shop you bought it from.

My office space right now…
And this is how it looks over at Stylizimo.com. Notice the tags that are placed on top of each product? Move your mouse over one of these tags and you will see the shop the product is bought from, and if you click on the tag you are taken to the shop’s profile on Stylizimo.com for more information.  
I hope you find it useful! I certainly do *smile*
(Oh, and the tags are not sponsored in any way, just so you know).
// Images: Nina Holst //

Let´s celebrate August with a little giveaway, shall we? In fact; I´m giving away three of these yellow Mano Milk Jugs from Kähler. Do you want one?  The only thing you have to do is to leave me a comment and I will choose three winners next week! Everybody can join.

// Image: Nina Holst //

As some of you have might seen on my Instagram, I bought a lot of old brass candleholders etc. at Maritastifelsen that I have in my neighbourhood (a goodwill store) the other day. After cleaning and polishing it, it now looks brand new and shiny. There’s no need to buy new and expensive things all the time. Second-hand rocks!

// Images: Nina Holst //

Contrasts, black and white, a touch of wood – just the way I like it….
Just popping by to wish you all a happy weekend!

// Images: Nina Holst //

My clothing rack in the bedroom that I made out of a curtain rod is frequently in use. It´s nice to have a whole wall where I can plan my outfits…

Our bedroom is quite simple, but a few details is a must!

// Images: Nina Holst //