I don´t know if you remember when I showed you some pictures from the house we bought for a little while ago? Anyway, I thought I´d show you a before and after picture of my fiancés home office, so you can see the what the changes are…

The reason that I don´t show you the other walls is that they´re not completely done yet. I have replaced the curtains with a pair of white sheer curtains though, and that did wonders. *smile*

Quite a change right? I guess it looks a bit more masculine now…
View more pictures from the new office here if you´d like.

I´m going to an exciting event today – I will tell you all about it tomorrow 🙂
Have a great day!

(Images: Nina Holst )

Our home is getting rather colorless at the moment, but I like it. Maybe it´s the season, maybe it´s me or maybe it´s because I got inspired by you? Our home is now black and white…

It´s great to hear that so many of you Norwegian girls want to come to our Christmas blog meet up: “Førjulskos hos Hviit “.  If you are coming, make sure that you LIKE US ON FACEBOOK, so you can get information and updates about the event. Looking forward to see you there.

I´m actually going to a blog meet up today as well, and I´m truly looking forward to meet some of you girls tonight.  Tapas, wine, pretty girls, good conversations, smiles, (hugs?) and huge goodie-bags(!) – I´m sure it will be a great event.

Have a FAB Saturday everyone! 

Oh, and thank you all for your kind, kind comments on my DIY butterfly tree. You are the sweetest!


Hello everyone and hello Friday! Your feedback has been overwhelming the last few days, and I´m truly grateful for all your sweet comments – you are the best!
Today I have an easy DIY for you; Make your own butterfly tree! It might sound and look advanced but it´s really not…

Tips: Download a PDF with butterflies over at Kikkis Planet.
Thank you Kitti, for your lovely butterfly template.
(It´s easier if you have a tree to look after when you draw it. I looked at Ferm Living´s wallsticker.)

I hope you like my DIY butterfly tree! *smile*
See my other DIY projects here if you want to get creative this weekend.

Have a fabulous Friday lovely people.

( Images: Nina Holst )

Remember I showed you the working lamp? Well, I´m finally done with my fiancé´s home office and you can now see where the lamp belong…

I´ve papered one of the walls with a supercool concrete wallpaper from Storeys. Don´t you just love it? It was the easiest wallpaper I have ever worked with – it was done in an hour. So don´t even think that you can´t do this yourself!

 Some details in black.

It was much harder to decorate a men´s office than my own home office, but we are both happy with the end result.

What do you think?

( Images: Nina Holst )

I´m amazed by all the beautiful decoration you actually can get for free. Yesterday I took a walk in the neighbourhood, and I took home some wonders of the nature that I could decorate my coffee table with.

Here you have some examples on what you can find outside and use as decoration:

We don´t always need fresh flowers from the store, do we?
Do you bring anything from the nature inside at this season? Please share, so we can get some other ideas as well..

Have a good one!

(Images: Nina Holst )