What a beautiful morning it is here in Oslo today! I´m almost done packing for our move on Wednesday, so today I´m going to take some time off and enjoy the lovely weather. We are actually invited to a barbecue by the sweet family of “Potrinas Potlerier”. Do you read her blog? They just bought a beautiful house and I´m very excited to see it for the first time today. Maybe I´ll get some ideas for our new house as well…

In addition to be nominated as the “Best Trend Blog” by NIB (which you can vote for here btw), I discovered yesterday that I´m also a finalist in NIB´s “Garden/patio” challenge with the picture above. What a nice surprise! There are 9 other wonderful finalists, so if you like to give a vote for your favorite, you can do that here.

Two days until we move!! Oh, I can´t almost sleep at night – I´m so excited and I can´t wait to start making it our HOME!

A big hug for every congratulation on our new house and one more hug for all you that are taking time for voting on my blog – you are fantastic!

(Image: Nina Holst)

I´m constantly thinking on how I want to decorate our new home, and to organize my thoughts I like to make inspiration boards/collages for each room, and I have it with me when I go shopping… That way I can visualize if something will fit in of not…

I´m planning on painting all the floors white, because I want to make it as bright as possible. I think this will make a huge difference to the rooms, and I´m very excited to see the result.
The color theme in the living room will mainly be in white, grey and black with hints of soft, dusty colors.

These are some of the things that I have on my wishlist for our living room. Hopefully some of my wishes will come true *smile*

Do you make collages etc. when you are moving to a new place or when you are planning to redecorate?

Have a happy weekend, beautiful people!

I´m so lucky to be nominated in the category “Best TREND blog” by NIB! (“Norwegian Interior Blogs”) – What an honor!

I would of course be super DUPER happy if you want to give me your vote. Every single day you can give your vote here if you like.

Thank you all for reading my blog! Without you I would never have been nominated in the first place.

Lots of love,

I´m so lucky to be nominated in the category “Best TREND blog” by NIB! (“Norwegian Interior Blogs”) – What an honor!

I would of course be super DUPER happy if you want to give me your vote. Every single day you can give your vote here if you like.

Thank you all for reading my blog! Without you I would never have been nominated in the first place.

Lots of love,

I promised you a few days ago that I would tell you a secret, and the secret is that we have bought a new home! I´m very excited and kind of stressed because we are moving in next Wednesday already, and I have so much to organize before we move. I´m planning, selling furniture, buying new furniture, packing and cleaning…. PUH!

  Here you have some of the rooms that are in the house…

It will be nice to have a bigger place and to finally have a garden – I can´t wait to show you more pictures after we have moved in.

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my balcony btw. – I´m glad you liked it. Soon I will have a new summery place in our new garden… Oh, joy!

(Images: Finn.no)