Hello everybody! How are you? I´m enjoying every single minute of our holiday in France and there is not much time (or WiFi!) for blogging I´m afraid. Today is our friends wedding day and I´m excited about their big day at the beautiful castle they have rented here in Andantes.

Anyway, when I was in Paris we went to the well known store called Merci! Have you been there? This store is a must if you´re ever in Paris. Four floors of interior heaven + some clothes. Here are some pictures that I took from the place when we were there a few days ago…

 This car meets you at the entrance  – so cool!
The furniture section has a lot of temptations. Too bad I didn´t had room for any in my suitcase *smile*. There were lots of things I would like to take home with me.
Everything was beautifully displayed…
There were also three different cafés there. They all look very nice! 
Great place, huh? 
Okay, I have to get dressed now. You can see more pictures of Paris and the wedding trough my Instragram profile “stylizimoblog” (NinaHolst)
 // iPhone pictures by Nina Holst //

Reminding you all that you still have a few days to participate in the contest we are having with Hviit.no! You have the opportunity to win a professional stylist and photographer who visit your home for a day and make it into an article of your home. In addition you will win two lovely duvet cover sets (length 220) from ByNord sponsored by Hviit.no.
It´s easy; Upload overview photos of your home on Stylizimo.com and call the album “MY HOME”. Read more about the competition here.

Here you have some inspiration from the homes that are already in the contest…
The finalists will we announced in the beginning of July.

Vibeke Langørgen

I hope to see your beautiful home on Stylizimo! *smile*

Also sending you a hello from Paris! Today we are driving out of the city and will be travelling three hours south of Paris. Looking forward to see more of this beautiful country.

It´s time for a new trip, but this time it´s all pleasure. We are going to France and to a wedding located 3 hours from Paris. So therefore my fiancé and I are going to Paris for a little romantic holiday before we drive to the castle(!) where the wedding will be. Holy mama, this is going to be great!

I will have updates from France here on my blog, but you can also follow me on Instagram (stylizimoblog) if you want to.
Au revoir!

//Image: Artilleriet //

I have for a long time believed that I have had comfortable bedding, but that was before I got the opportunity to test the bedding from BadaBoom which is made of bamboo(!).

Quite honestly, this is one of the best bedding I’ve ever slept in – so soft, so comfortable. It’s like lying in a hotel bed every night. I love the smooth bamboo fabric.

Badaboom was very strict on that I should say my honest opinion when I tested their bedding, but that was probably because they knew that I would love it… * smile *
Anyway, they actually have a campaign on their bedding at the moment, so find more info and prices here if you are interested.

// Images: Nina Holst //

I just received a mail from the stylist Timea Toth who told me about her new furniture store called Objektum. If you are looking for unique industrial furniture and décor for your home, you have to take a look at her website – you will love it for sure!

I wouldn´t mind having one of these signs – I think it´s absolutely fantastic! 
Did you know that neon signs are really hot these days btw? You will see a lot more of them in time to come, so just get used to it right away… *smile*

//Images: Objektum //