Baking chocolate cookies on a rainy day makes the day more enjoyable. The smell of warm cookies spreading all over the house is joy in itself..

In the Stylizimo house it´s now time for a cappuccino and some newly baked cookies, before I get busy designing new exciting features on You have a lot to look forward to! *smile*
Wish you all a great Saturday – rainy or not!

// Images: Nina Holst //

Yesterday we had a beautiful summer day, and I spent a lot of hours sitting in our garden. If you have been following me on Instagram (stylizimoblog) you have already seen our table under the cherry tree at daytime, but today I want to share how I easily created a cosy atmosphere in our garden so it´s enjoyable in the evening as well.

1. Fresh flowers adds freshness and colors to your outdoor area. 
2. Pillows and throws makes it comfy and keeps you warm in the evening..
2. By hanging lots of lanterns in a tree create an instant cosy feeling. It´s even more effective if you have colored ones..
Enjoy! Happy weekend <3

// Images: Nina Holst //

Puh, what a morning! You have no idea how effective I´ve been these last few hours… Let me give you an idea; I started the day with a work out, then we got rid of all the garden disposal that have been laying behind the garage for weeks. After that, I have folded clothes, washed all the windows, and the whole house(!) I have even been doing a little redecorating and photographing. An the time is only 12:30 – unbelievable!

Here is a peek of one of our black walls. Can you guess which room?

Anyway, I´m soon on my bike and on my way to the flower shop to buy some fresh flowers as well. I´m expecting an editor for an interview here tomorrow, and I want everything to look nice and clean *smile*.

( Not bad that I actually had time to make a blogpost this morning as well…lol ) 
Wish you all a fantastic day!

// Image: Nina Holst //

On my wishlist right now are these Calabash pendants from Lightyears. Gold are hotter than ever, and so are these lamps!
What do you think about having gold and/or other shiny metals in your home?

// Images: Lightyears //

It´s time to reveal the finalists in the contest “MY HOME” that we are having with There were a lot of lovely contributions, but we had to narrow it down to 10 finalists. (Unfortunately some of you only had a few photos uploaded, so we couldn´t consider you for the final.)

The 10 finalists that we have picked are as follows:











So much lovely to look at and now it´s up to you to vote for the one you wish to win and that you would like to see printed on glossy paper in a Norwegian interior magazine. The winner will also get two lovely ByNord bedsheets sponsored by
You can vote until the 30th of July, and the winner will be announced in the beginning of August. 

View the pictures of their home by clicking on their name above each photo.

&amp;lt;a href=””&amp;gt;Which home would you like to see in a magazine?&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;