First I would like to thank you all for your suggestions on what we should do with our bathroom. It gave me plenty of inspiration that lead to the new look that I am showing you here today.

Saturday I bought a bucket of paint, found my painting brush and got ready to give our bathroom the makeover I have been longing to do. As you know, what really troubled me with the bathroom was the decorative border, so in order to remove that and also make the change stand out a little I decided to paint two tiles in addition to the the decorative border. The paint I used looks like concrete, and I have to say that it did the job of renovating our bathroom perfectly!
Now we have a “new” bathroom that we are very happy with, only using approx. $100 on paint, brush and masking tape, and 2 hours of painting – not bad at all *smile*

For those who are wondering I used a lime paint from Pure&Original called Earth Stone.
What do you think of the result? You can see more photos of the bathroom makeover here.

PS! I recommend to use Pure&Original´s sealer if there is risk of water spill..

//Images: Nina Holst//

Reminding you all that there is a few days left to vote on your favorite in the “MY HOME”- competition. The winner will be announced next week!

See all the finalists here, and vote on your favorite if you already haven´t.
Wish you all an amazing weekend!

//Images: Nina Holst// 

Being able to sit outside eating in the garden when the sun shines through the trees, sitting barefoot and feel the grass between your toes, plus having good friends at the table, is true summer bliss…

Yesterday we had sweet Anne Grete and her husband over for a barbecue and we had a great time in our garden. Here are some of the photos I took of the table setting. You can see more here.

Today I´ll meet another good blog friend of mine…. Melissa behind Ideas to Steal are celebrating her birthday, and I am invited – lucky me!
The weather is perfect, so it´s time to put on a dress and enjoy every minute of it! Follow my daily moments on Instagram “stylizimoblog” if you want.

Have a wonderful day, my dear readers!

// Images: Nina Holst //

Since we have an awning over our terrace, it´s almost like an extra room in the summer even if it rains. As long as it’s warm, it’s nice to sit out here working on the couch.

So what do you think of my “new” home office? *smile*
I have uploaded new photos of our terrace here, if you´d like to see more…

//Images: Nina Holst //

Nothing much going on in our living room at the moment. It´s still black and white, and I´m still very happy with that look. A few details that stands out here and there give the room a more interesting look, the sequin pillow for example is one of my faves at the moment.

When I´m not using the pillow outside, I´m using it in our couch to soften up all the black and white. It adds a bit glam and warmth to the room, don´t you think?
Fresh flowers softens it up as well, and together with my print from “Hazy Dolls” it´s a cute little still life on the shelf above our couch. Easily changeable when I´m tired of it – that´s the way I like it.

//Images: Nina Holst//