The main theme of the IKEA catalogue 2013 is to create changes using textiles. Yes, it´s time to think of new ways to use fabric in our homes..

I was lucky to be invited to their launch party in Oslo on Tuesday, so I could have a look at some of their new textiles and ideas on how to use them. Here are some of the pictures that I took at the event.

Well, you all know that I´m a big fan of black and white, so this section is my favourite! I love the new rug and the pillow in the same fabric – so ME! *smile*. Oh, and notice the cool lamp in the back – well done, IKEA!

A moodboard is always decorative and inspiring. I like it even more when it´s featured on a wonderful wooden wall like this one – don´t you agree?

Some of my beautiful and talented blog friends that also were at the event. From left: Melissa, Dagny, Solveig and Linda.

Here are some samples of the new fabrics we will find at IKEA. Do you see anything you like? I like the orange, the grey with white dots, and the black&white one. Yes, I know – I´m a plain bagel…lol.

You can find more photos from the event on Instagram profile “stylizimoblog” 

Have a colorful day sweet people!

//Images: Nina Holst//

A good idea if you don´t want to make too many holes in your walls is to put some of your print/art etc. on the floor like I´ve done here. Sometimes I think it´s actually more decorative to put it on the floor or up on a chest of drawers leaning against the wall, than hanging everything on the wall. It looks more trendy and relaxed in a way…

Magazines are decorative as well. I bet many of you have a lot of them and don´t know where to put store them. Use them as a side table or just as décor in for example the living room, office of  your bedroom. If you want to create a more clean, colorless look, you can just turn them the other way like I´ve done here…

Do you have any pictures or magazines on the floor?
Share photos of it on if you want – I´d love to see!

Today I´m going to the launch of the new IKEA catalogue. It will be great fun to look at their news for 2013! Will I see you there? I hope so *smile*

//Images: Nina Holst//

Milla Boutique at House of Oslo has now opened their store again after a week with painting and redecorating. Curious as I am, I had to stop by when I was in Oslo on Thursday to have a look. And as expected, Milla Boutique looks as amazing as it always does. Only now in a new suit, new décor and with more furniture. It´s definitely worth a visit if you´re in the neighbourhood!

Isn’t this neon sign just the coolest? I love it!

Everything in the shop is displayed very beautifully and there are temptations in every shelf.
Additionally you´ll find a lot of inspiration here. Notice the white sofa in the picture underneath for example; they have actually painted(!) the leather sofa white, using a water based paint + a sealer – how cool is that? Doesn’t it look absolutely fabulous? (I wish I had taken a better photo of it though, but I didn´t. I guess you have to take a look for yourself *smile*)

 //iPhone photos by Nina Holst //

We´re in a process of planning a new kitchen, and the more kitchens I see, the more frustrated I get! There are so many choices to make, and so many nice things to choose from….What kind of counter tops to choose, what to do with the flooring, what kind of sink, kitchen faucet, lighting, color of the walls…

What we do know is that we want a white kitchen with drawers without handles and with no wall cabinets, only tall ones on one of the walls for the oven + storage of glass, etc.
The floor will be the same as in the living room (white painted wooden floor), so the question is what color/material to choose on the counter top? White,black, white stained oak….? The thing is that the project is on a low budget, so lovely materials as corian, marble, concrete etc. is out of the question. 

Any suggestions and ideas are very appreciated! It´s always fun to hear your thoughts.
Our old kitchen looks like this – not quite “me”, and it looks better on pictures than in real life. The new kitchen will also go all the way underneath the window-wall as well. (which is now moved a bit higher)

If you are happy with your kitchen, and want to show me, you are welcome to share it on There are also a lot of lovely kitchens there to look at if you´re in need of inspiration.

//Images: Kvik //

First we´d like to thank all of you that participated in the “MY HOME”-competition! There will for sure be more opportunities, so don´t worry if you´re not the winner this time…

The person that got the most votes of the finalists and that will win a stylist and a photographer + 2 ByNord bedsheets from is…

Congratulations, Regine. I look forward to see your beautiful home in a magazine soon. Linda will contact you, so you can find a day they can come and shoot your home!

//Images: Regine //