By the time you read this post, I´m on my way to the largest interior design fair for Nordic design, Formex. (or maybe I´m already there!) I´m flying over to see all the news for this Fall/Winter, so I can share some of it here with you.

The fair is a meeting place for 850 exhibitors, so this is going to be very exciting! I promise to take a lot of photos, so you can see some of the things we can expect in the upcoming season.
You can follow me live on Instagram (stylizimoblog) if you want too..

 //Images: Nina Holst//

An ordinary day can easily be changed into something more by a fun table setting. Mondays can be tough and little exciting sometimes, so this Monday I decided to create a playful table setting… This is the result;

The jar works perfectly as a glass, and makes a fun twist to it all I think. Instead of laying the cutlery in its ordinary place I chose to put it in the jars together with a paper straw and a little flag that I made using washi tape.
You can find more photos and info about the table setting on 
Wish you all a great day! 

 // Images: Nina Holst //

Let´s have a look at some of the new inspiring photos you can find on, shall we? They are too good to miss..

Here is peek from Desiree´s amazing kitchen, and her lovely lamp from Ay Illuminate. It´s not possible NOT to love this, right?

Make sure not to miss out on Karlotte´s fantastic kitchen. Very inspiring and original!

Jorid´s newly decorated bedroom is so dreamy! How cool isn´t that wall sticker from Ferm Living? You can see more of their delightful bedroom here.

Sculls are still hot, and Lene knows exactly how to use them to create an interesting look. See more of her amazing home here.

Heidi is a decorator and have her own webshop. Her styling and products are always very inspiring.
Check out her shop here.

Thank you for sharing, girls! I love your inspiring photos. Keep them coming *smile*

You can find many more inspiring photos on Use the search section or the categories to find exactly what you are looking for.

I can´t believe I actually sat in this office two years ago, looking at palms and sunny views out of a big window in Los Angeles. Although I have a great time living in Norway now, I have to say that I miss the small apartment we rented in Beverly Hills. It´s there it all started – – my baby, my life, my passion. Oh, joy!

It’s so strange how many memories a photo can bring sometimes. I can remember each morning how excited I was. How I couldn´t turn the computer on fast enough to check if there was any new members, or if it there was someone who had uploaded new photos of their home on I also remember how I was struggling taking photos. The big windows gave all my photos some kind of blueish tint, and I sat for hours, trying to fix it in Photoshop – I have learned so much since then… *smile*

Now I´m sitting in a new office here in Norway, having a black wall as my view *smile*, looking forward to create new memories, cause I´m still as excited, and I DO check all the time to see if there are any new members or photos from you guys. YOU make my day – every day! Thank you!

Lots of love,

// Images: Nina Holst //

It´s a long time since I have made a moodboard, and it felt really good doing a small one just to boost my creativity. Almost like meditation.. *smile*

From me to you….
Thank you for all your comments and for taking time to visit my blog and website.

Wish you all a creative weekend!

//Images: Nina Holst//