Global Homes

//Sponsored post There is something about the furniture from Danish designers and manufactures…

Tilbud på BONYTT

//Annonse Med vår i lufta er det full planlegging av uteområdet til det…

Birthday girl

The sun is shining and it´s by birthday today – what a great…

Tidy start

The Easter holiday is over and we are back home after some great…

Tilbud på BONYTT

// Annonse Lange frokoster og late dager foran peisen når man ikke er…

Easter breakfast

Started the day with a sunny breakfast on the cabin today… I´m so…

Easy Easter DIY

It has become a tradition to plant cress for Easter each year, as…

Shades of grey

I´m “borrowing” one of the paintings that I have for sale, as I…